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(wo Mommsen

  • 1 duovir

    dŭŏvir, vĭri, and usu. plur. dŭŏvĭri (less correctly dŭumvĭri, Zumpt, Gram. § 124; Krebs, Antibarb. p. 391; in MSS. and Inscr. usu. II. vir, II. viri;

    but, DVOVIRES,

    Inscr. Orell. 3808:


    ib. 3886, v. infra), ōrum, m. [du + vir], a Roman board or court consisting of two persons.
    Perduellionis, an extraordinary criminal court, the duumviri, anciently selected by the kings or the people for each case as it arose;

    so in the trial of Horatius,

    Liv. 1, 26;

    of M. Manlius,

    id. 6, 20;

    of C. Rabirius,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 12; v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 204.—
    Sacrorum, the keepers of the Sibylline books, Liv. 3, 10, 7; 5, 13, 6; cf. Dion. Hal. 4, 62 (afterwards decemviri and quindecimviri were elected for this purpose; cf. Liv. 22, 10, 9; Lact. 1, 6, 13); v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 240.—
    Navales, an extraordinary board created for the purpose of equipping fleets, Liv. 9, 30, 4; id. 40, 18, 8; id. 41, 1, 2 sq.; v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 531; 4, 136. —
    Ad aedem faciendam (dedicandam, locandam), the duumviri for building or dedicating a temple, Liv. 7, 28, 5; id. 22, 33, 8.—In the sing.:


    Liv. 2, 42, 5; id. 35, 41, 8; 40, 34, 5 sq.—
    The highest board of magistrates in the municipia and colonies, Cic. Agr. 2, 34, 93; Caes. B. C. 1, 23; id. ib. 1, 30; Inscr. Orell. 2540:


    ib. 3882 sq.:


    ib. 3805 sq. —In the sing.:


    ib. 3813 sq.; 4982; also ib. 3886 (Momms. 1956).—
    VIIS EXTRA URBEM PURGANDIS, officers who had the charge of the streets of the suburbs of Rome, Tab. Heracl. 1, 50 ed. Göttling.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > duovir

  • 2 duoviri

    dŭŏvir, vĭri, and usu. plur. dŭŏvĭri (less correctly dŭumvĭri, Zumpt, Gram. § 124; Krebs, Antibarb. p. 391; in MSS. and Inscr. usu. II. vir, II. viri;

    but, DVOVIRES,

    Inscr. Orell. 3808:


    ib. 3886, v. infra), ōrum, m. [du + vir], a Roman board or court consisting of two persons.
    Perduellionis, an extraordinary criminal court, the duumviri, anciently selected by the kings or the people for each case as it arose;

    so in the trial of Horatius,

    Liv. 1, 26;

    of M. Manlius,

    id. 6, 20;

    of C. Rabirius,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 12; v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 204.—
    Sacrorum, the keepers of the Sibylline books, Liv. 3, 10, 7; 5, 13, 6; cf. Dion. Hal. 4, 62 (afterwards decemviri and quindecimviri were elected for this purpose; cf. Liv. 22, 10, 9; Lact. 1, 6, 13); v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 240.—
    Navales, an extraordinary board created for the purpose of equipping fleets, Liv. 9, 30, 4; id. 40, 18, 8; id. 41, 1, 2 sq.; v. Mommsen, Hist. 1, 531; 4, 136. —
    Ad aedem faciendam (dedicandam, locandam), the duumviri for building or dedicating a temple, Liv. 7, 28, 5; id. 22, 33, 8.—In the sing.:


    Liv. 2, 42, 5; id. 35, 41, 8; 40, 34, 5 sq.—
    The highest board of magistrates in the municipia and colonies, Cic. Agr. 2, 34, 93; Caes. B. C. 1, 23; id. ib. 1, 30; Inscr. Orell. 2540:


    ib. 3882 sq.:


    ib. 3805 sq. —In the sing.:


    ib. 3813 sq.; 4982; also ib. 3886 (Momms. 1956).—
    VIIS EXTRA URBEM PURGANDIS, officers who had the charge of the streets of the suburbs of Rome, Tab. Heracl. 1, 50 ed. Göttling.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > duoviri

  • 3 curiatus

    cūriātus, a, um (curia), zur Kurie gehörig, comitia curiata, die Kom., in denen das Volk nach Kurien stimmte, die Kuriatkomitien (urspr. die allein herrschenden, später durch die comitia centuriata auf die Arrogation, Priesterwahl, Übertragung des Oberbefehls beschränkt), Cic. u.a.: lex, in den Kuriatkomitien beschlossen, Cic. u.a.: lictor, der die Kuriatkomitien zusammenrufende Liktor, Gell. 15, 27, 2. Vgl. Mommsen, Staatsrecht 13, 389 f. (Mommsen will nach Inschriften die Form curiatius).

    lateinisch-deutsches > curiatus

  • 4 iuridicus

    iūridicus, a, um (ius u. dico), I) das Recht handhabend, gladius, das Richtschwert, Augustin. c. epist. Farm. 1, 8. § 13. – subst. iūridicus, ī, m., der Richter, Gerichtshalter, Sen. Herc. fur. 585. – bes. Konsulare für Rechtsprechungen in den Gemeinden Italiens seit Marc Aurel, Capit. Anton. phil. 11, 6. Scaevol. dig. 40, 5, 41. § 5. Ulp. frgm. Vat. 205. 232. 241. Corp. inscr. Lat. 5, 1874. 2112. 4341; 6, 332 u. 9, 1572; vgl. J. Marquardt Röm. Staatsverw. 12, 224 ff. Mommsen Röm. Staatsr. 23, 1084 f. – als kaiserl. Behörde in Alexandrien, Ulp. dig. 1, 20, 2. Cod. Iust. 1, 57. Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 1564; vgl. Mitteis-Wilcken, Grundzüge der Papyruskunde 2, 1, 26 ff. – u. als Behörde in kaiserlichen Provinzen (legatus iur.), iur. provincialis, Apul. met. 1, 6: iur. provinciae Britann., Corp. inscr. Lat. 3, 2864; vgl. 6, 1336 u. 1509. Marquardt a. O. 551 u. Mommsen a. O. 13, 231 ff. – II) die Handhabung des Rechtes betreffend, gerichtlich, conventus, Gerichtsstadt, Kreisstadt, Plin. 3, 7; vgl. Kornemann in Pauly-Wissowa Realenz. 4, 1175.

    lateinisch-deutsches > iuridicus

  • 5 lustrum [2]

    2. lūstrum, ī, n. (1. lustro), I) das Reinigungs- od. Sühnopfer, das alle fünf Jahre von den Zensoren bei dem Schlusse ihres Amts für das ganze Volk dargebracht wurde (wobei die drei für den Mars ausersehenen Opfertiere, ein Schwein, Bock u. Stier, dreimal im Kreise herumgeführt u. darauf dem Gotte geopfert wurden u. zugleich das gleiche Gelübde für das neue lustrum geleistet wurde, vota in proximum lustrum suscipere, Suet. Aug. 97, 1), lustrum condere, dieses Opfer verrichten, dah. die Zensur beschließen, Cic.: u. so lustrum perficere, Liv. 1, 44, 2: u. eius rei causā lustrum mittere, Act. fr. Arv. im Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 2107, 7: sub lustrum, bei dem Schlusse der Zeusur, Cic. Vgl. Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht2 II, 406. – II) eine Zeit von gewöhnlich fünf Jahren, ein Jahrfünft, Ov., Plin. u.a.: octavum claudere lustrum, Hor. Vgl. Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht2 II, 332 ff. – Jnsbes., a) die Pachtzeit, Plin. ep. 9, 37, 2. – b) die Steuer, Finanzperiode, in bezug auf die Zahlung der direkten u. indirekten (durch die Publicani erhobenen) Steuern, Varro LL. 6, 11. Cic. ep. 2, 13, 3; ad Att. 6, 2, 5. – c) zur Kaiserzeit alle fünf Jahre abgehaltene Festfeiern, die mit Spielen und Wettkämpfen zu Ehren der Götter verbunden sind, bes. die kapitolinischen, Stat. silv. 4, 2, 62: certamine Iovis Capitolini lustro sexto, Corp. inscr. Lat. 9, 2160: auch lustri certamen gen., Aur. Vict. de Caes. 27, 7.

    lateinisch-deutsches > lustrum [2]

  • 6 petitor

    petītor, ōris, m. (peto), I) der Bewerber, Nachsucher, Nachsuchende (um etw.), Frontin. aqu. 109. – u. der Streber nach etwas, famae, Lucan. 1, 131. – II) insbes.: A) als publiz. t. t., der Bewerber um ein Amt, der Amtsbewerber, Scip. Afr. bei Macr. sat. 3, 14. 7. Hor. carm. 3, 1, 11. Suet. Caes. 23, 2. – B) als gerichtl. t. t., der Kläger in Privat- od. Zivilsachen (verschieden von accusator, dem Ankläger in Kriminalsachen), Ggstz. reus (Beklagter), Cic., od. Ggstz. possessor (Besitzer des Klagobjekts = Beklagter), Plin. ep. u. ICt., od. Ggstz. defensor (Verteidiger), Quint. – C) der Bewerber um ein Mädchen, der Freier, Sen. fr. § 39 ed. Haase ( bei Augustin. de civ. dei 6, 10 extr.). Apul. met. 4, 32 u.a. Cod. Theod. 3, 7, 1. Ambros. in Luc. 8. § 70 extr. – D) als milit. t. t., militiae petitor, nach Henzen = einer, der sich zum Kriegsdienst gemeldet hat, aber noch nicht als tauglich angenommen und einer Heeresabteilung zugeteilt ist, nach Mommsen = einer, der sich um eine Rangstufe im Heere bewirbt, Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 2485 u. 2488 u. 3549. Vgl. Henzen im Bullett. dell' instit. archeol. 1868. p. 71 u. Mommsen ibid. p. 144.

    lateinisch-deutsches > petitor

  • 7 polio [2]

    2. polio, ōnis, m. (polio, ire), der Walker, Tarrunt. Pat. dig. 50, 6, 7 (6) zw. (Mommsen polliones, Hal. pelliones, das Mommsen zu billigen scheint).

    lateinisch-deutsches > polio [2]

  • 8 tribus

    tribus, ūs, f., I) einer der drei Stämme od. Stammtribus (Ramnes, Tities, Luceres) der freien röm. Bürger, s. Ramnēsdas Nähere. – seit Servius Tullius eine der nach den Stammtribus genannten Abteilungen der röm. Vollbürger, vier für die Stadt (tribus urbanae), und 26, später 31 für den ager Romanus (tribus rusticae), der Bezirk, der Gau, die Tribus, s. Mommsen Staatsrecht. Bd. 3. S. 95 ff. u.S. 161 ff.: die Namen der Tribus bei Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht. Bd. 3. S. 163. 168. 171. – tribu movere, aus der Tribus stoßen (v. Zensor), Cic. u. Liv. (u. so Omnibus V et XXX tribubus emovere, Liv. 45, 15, 41 u. libertinos tribubus amovere, Aur. Vict. de vir. ill. 32, 2): populum in tribus convocare, Cic.: tribum Papiriam ferre, die Stimme der papir. Tr. erhalten, Liv.: u. unam tribum ferre, die Stimme einer einzigen Tr. erhalten, Cic.: tribus iure vocatae, die gleich nach der praerogativa in ihrer Ordnung abstimmten, Liv.: pro tribu fieri aedilem, von der Prärogativtribus zum Adilen bestimmt werden, Liv.: in tribus urbanas transferri = (versetzt werden) ignominia est, Plin. – scherzh. übtr., grammaticas ambire tribus, die Stimme der Grammatikerzünfte, Hor. ep. 1, 19, 40. – II) meton., Plur. tribus = das niedere-, arme Volk, der Pöbel, equitem imitatae tribus, Flor.: in quo nasci tribus negant, Plin. – / Dat. u. Abl. Plur. immer tribubus, s. Neue-Wagener Formenl.2 1, 554; vulg. trebibos (so!), Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 198, 65.

    lateinisch-deutsches > tribus

  • 9 curiatus

    cūriātus, a, um (curia), zur Kurie gehörig, comitia curiata, die Kom., in denen das Volk nach Kurien stimmte, die Kuriatkomitien (urspr. die allein herrschenden, später durch die comitia centuriata auf die Arrogation, Priesterwahl, Übertragung des Oberbefehls beschränkt), Cic. u.a.: lex, in den Kuriatkomitien beschlossen, Cic. u.a.: lictor, der die Kuriatkomitien zusammenrufende Liktor, Gell. 15, 27, 2. Vgl. Mommsen, Staatsrecht 13, 389 f. (Mommsen will nach Inschriften die Form curiatius).

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > curiatus

  • 10 iuridicus

    iūridicus, a, um (ius u. dico), I) das Recht handhabend, gladius, das Richtschwert, Augustin. c. epist. Farm. 1, 8. § 13. – subst. iūridicus, ī, m., der Richter, Gerichtshalter, Sen. Herc. fur. 585. – bes. Konsulare für Rechtsprechungen in den Gemeinden Italiens seit Marc Aurel, Capit. Anton. phil. 11, 6. Scaevol. dig. 40, 5, 41. § 5. Ulp. frgm. Vat. 205. 232. 241. Corp. inscr. Lat. 5, 1874. 2112. 4341; 6, 332 u. 9, 1572; vgl. J. Marquardt Röm. Staatsverw. 12, 224 ff. Mommsen Röm. Staatsr. 23, 1084 f. – als kaiserl. Behörde in Alexandrien, Ulp. dig. 1, 20, 2. Cod. Iust. 1, 57. Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 1564; vgl. Mitteis- Wilcken, Grundzüge der Papyruskunde 2, 1, 26 ff. – u. als Behörde in kaiserlichen Provinzen (legatus iur.), iur. provincialis, Apul. met. 1, 6: iur. provinciae Britann., Corp. inscr. Lat. 3, 2864; vgl. 6, 1336 u. 1509. Marquardt a. O. 551 u. Mommsen a. O. 13, 231 ff. – II) die Handhabung des Rechtes betreffend, gerichtlich, conventus, Gerichtsstadt, Kreisstadt, Plin. 3, 7; vgl. Kornemann in Pauly-Wissowa Realenz. 4, 1175.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > iuridicus

  • 11 lustrum

    1. lustrum, ī, n. (vgl. λῦμα, der Schmutz), I) der Ort, an dem sich die Schweine wälzen, Pfütze, Morast, Varro r. r. 2, 4, 8. – II) übtr.: 1) übh. der Aufenthalt der Tiere im Walde, die Wildhöhle, Wildbahn, das Wildlager, lustra ferarum, Verg.: lustra devia, Ov. – 2) das Bordell, mala lustra, Hor.: lustris studere, Plaut.: in lustris tempus aetatis consumere, Cic.: vino lustrisque confectus, durch B. (= ausschweifende, liederliche Lebensart), Cic.
    2. lūstrum, ī, n. (1. lustro), I) das Reinigungs- od. Sühnopfer, das alle fünf Jahre von den Zensoren bei dem Schlusse ihres Amts für das ganze Volk dargebracht wurde (wobei die drei für den Mars ausersehenen Opfertiere, ein Schwein, Bock u. Stier, dreimal im Kreise herumgeführt u. darauf dem Gotte geopfert wurden u. zugleich das gleiche Gelübde für das neue lustrum geleistet wurde, vota in proximum lustrum suscipere, Suet. Aug. 97, 1), lustrum condere, dieses Opfer verrichten, dah. die Zensur beschließen, Cic.: u. so lustrum perficere, Liv. 1, 44, 2: u. eius rei causā lustrum mittere, Act. fr. Arv. im Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 2107, 7: sub lustrum, bei dem Schlusse der Zeusur, Cic. Vgl. Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht2 II, 406. – II) eine Zeit von gewöhnlich fünf Jahren, ein Jahrfünft, Ov., Plin. u.a.: octavum claudere lustrum, Hor. Vgl. Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht2 II, 332 ff. – Jnsbes., a) die Pachtzeit, Plin. ep. 9, 37, 2. – b) die Steuer, Finanzperiode, in bezug auf die Zahlung der direkten u. indirekten (durch die Publicani erhobenen) Steuern, Varro LL. 6, 11. Cic. ep. 2, 13, 3; ad Att. 6, 2, 5. – c) zur Kaiserzeit alle fünf Jahre abgehaltene Festfeiern, die mit Spielen und Wettkämpfen zu Ehren der Götter verbunden sind, bes. die kapitolinischen, Stat. silv. 4, 2, 62: certamine Iovis Capitolini lustro sexto, Corp. inscr. Lat. 9,
    2160: auch lustri certamen gen., Aur. Vict. de Caes. 27, 7.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > lustrum

  • 12 petitor

    petītor, ōris, m. (peto), I) der Bewerber, Nachsucher, Nachsuchende (um etw.), Frontin. aqu. 109. – u. der Streber nach etwas, famae, Lucan. 1, 131. – II) insbes.: A) als publiz. t. t., der Bewerber um ein Amt, der Amtsbewerber, Scip. Afr. bei Macr. sat. 3, 14. 7. Hor. carm. 3, 1, 11. Suet. Caes. 23, 2. – B) als gerichtl. t. t., der Kläger in Privat- od. Zivilsachen (verschieden von accusator, dem Ankläger in Kriminalsachen), Ggstz. reus (Beklagter), Cic., od. Ggstz. possessor (Besitzer des Klagobjekts = Beklagter), Plin. ep. u. ICt., od. Ggstz. defensor (Verteidiger), Quint. – C) der Bewerber um ein Mädchen, der Freier, Sen. fr. § 39 ed. Haase ( bei Augustin. de civ. dei 6, 10 extr.). Apul. met. 4, 32 u.a. Cod. Theod. 3, 7, 1. Ambros. in Luc. 8. § 70 extr. – D) als milit. t. t., militiae petitor, nach Henzen = einer, der sich zum Kriegsdienst gemeldet hat, aber noch nicht als tauglich angenommen und einer Heeresabteilung zugeteilt ist, nach Mommsen = einer, der sich um eine Rangstufe im Heere bewirbt, Corp. inscr. Lat. 6, 2485 u. 2488 u. 3549. Vgl. Henzen im Bullett. dell' instit. archeol. 1868. p. 71 u. Mommsen ibid. p. 144.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > petitor

  • 13 polio

    1. polio, īvī, ītum, īre (lino), feilen, glätten, abputzen, polieren, I) eig.: A) im allg.: gemmas, ebur, marmora, ligna, Plin.: linum in filo, als Garn noch glätten, Plin.: pulvinar Indo dente, Catull.: frontes (libelli) pumice, Ov.: rogum asciā, Cic.: politus dens, glatter, Mart.: ligo, abgenutzte, Mart. – B) insbes.: a) mit weißem Mörtel od. Gips abputzen, abtünchen, abweißen, anstreichen, villam eleganter opere tectorio, Varro: cellas columbarum albo tectorio, Colum.: columnas albo, Liv.: politae columnae, Cic. – b) Kleider glänzend machen, appretieren, vom Walker, vestes, Plin.: vestimenta, ICt.: Partiz. subst., polientēs, ium, m., die Walker, Appreteure, Plin. 8, 192. – II) übtr. a) wohl zubereiten, wohl einrichten, kultivieren, agros, Enn. fr.: fundus culturā politus, Varro. – b) geistig glätten, feilen, verfeinern, opus limā, Quint.: orationem, Cic.: mores, abschleifen, Petron. – Synkop. Imperf., polibant, Verg. Aen. 8, 436. – polītus als PAdi. s. bes.
    2. polio, ōnis, m. (polio, ire), der Walker, Tarrunt. Pat. dig. 50, 6, 7 (6) zw. (Mommsen polliones, Hal. pelliones, das Mommsen zu billigen scheint).

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > polio

  • 14 tribus

    tribus, ūs, f., I) einer der drei Stämme od. Stammtribus (Ramnes, Tities, Luceres) der freien röm. Bürger, s. Ramnes das Nähere. – seit Servius Tullius eine der nach den Stammtribus genannten Abteilungen der röm. Vollbürger, vier für die Stadt (tribus urbanae), und 26, später 31 für den ager Romanus (tribus rusticae), der Bezirk, der Gau, die Tribus, s. Mommsen Staatsrecht. Bd. 3. S. 95 ff. u.S. 161 ff.: die Namen der Tribus bei Mommsen Röm. Staatsrecht. Bd. 3. S. 163. 168. 171. – tribu movere, aus der Tribus stoßen (v. Zensor), Cic. u. Liv. (u. so Omnibus V et XXX tribubus emovere, Liv. 45, 15, 41 u. libertinos tribubus amovere, Aur. Vict. de vir. ill. 32, 2): populum in tribus convocare, Cic.: tribum Papiriam ferre, die Stimme der papir. Tr. erhalten, Liv.: u. unam tribum ferre, die Stimme einer einzigen Tr. erhalten, Cic.: tribus iure vocatae, die gleich nach der praerogativa in ihrer Ordnung abstimmten, Liv.: pro tribu fieri aedilem, von der Prärogativtribus zum Adilen bestimmt werden, Liv.: in tribus urbanas transferri = (versetzt werden) ignominia est, Plin. – scherzh. übtr., grammaticas ambire tribus, die Stimme der Grammatikerzünfte, Hor. ep. 1, 19, 40. – II) meton., Plur. tribus = das niedere-, arme Volk, der Pöbel, equitem imitatae tribus, Flor.: in quo nasci tribus negant, Plin. – Dat. u. Abl. Plur. immer tri-
    bubus, s. Neue-Wagener Formenl.2 1, 554; vulg. trebibos (so!), Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 198, 65.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > tribus

  • 15 A

    A, a, indecl. n. (sometimes joined with littera), the first letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding to the a, a of the other Indo-. European languages:

    A primum est: hinc incipiam, et quae nomina ab hoc sunt, Lucil. ap. Terent. Scaur. p. 2255 P.: sus rostro si humi A litteram impresserit,

    Cic. Div. 1, 13, 23:

    ne in A quidem atque S litteras exire temere masculina Graeca nomina recto casu patiebantur,

    Quint. 1, 5, 61.
    The sound of the A is short or long in every part of the word; as, ăb, păter, ită; ā, māter, frustrā. During a short period (between about 620 and 670 A. U. C. = from 134 to 84 B.C.) long a was written aa, probably first by the poet L. Attius, in the manner of the Oscan language; so we find in Latin inscriptions: AA. CETEREIS (i.e.a ceteris), CALAASI, FAATO, HAACE, MAARCIVM, PAAPVS, PAASTORES, VAARVS; and in Greek writing, MAAPKOPs PsIOS MAAPKEAAOS, KOINTON MAAPKION (like Osc. aasas = Lat. āra, Osc. Paapi = Lat. Pāpius, Osc. Paakul = Lat. Pāculus, Pācullus, Pācuvius, etc.), v. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 28 sq., and cf. Mommsen, Unterital. Dialekte, p. 210 sq. (The Umbrian language has gone a step farther, and written long a by aha, as Aharna, Naharcom, trahaf, etc.; cf. Aufrecht and Kirchhoff, Umbrische Sprachdenkm. p. 76 sq.) Vid. also the letters E and U.
    In etymological and grammatical formation of words, short a very often (sometimes also long a) is changed into other vowels.
    Short a is changed,
    , into long a
    In consequence of the suppression of the following consonants at the end or in the middle of the word: ŭb, ā; vădis, vūs; ăg-, ăg-men, exāmen; tăg-, contūmino; căd-, cāsus. Hence also in the abl. sing. of the first decl., and in the particles derived from it. in consequence of the suppression of the original ablat. end. - d: PRAEDAD (Col. Rostr.), praedā; SENTENTIAD (S. C. de Bacch.), sententiā; EXTBAD (ib.), extrā; SVPRAD (ib.), suprā. —Hence,
    In perfect forms: scăb-o, scābi; căveo, cūvi; făv-eo, fāvi; păv-eo, pāvi (for scăbui, căvui, făvui, păvui).
    In other forms: ăgo, ambūges; păc-, păc-iscor, pâcis (pâx); săg-ax, sūgus, sāga; măc-er, mâcero; făg- (phagein), fūgus. (Contrary to analogy, ă remains short in dănunt, from dă-in-unt, V. Ritschl, l.l.p. 17.)
    Short a is changed into é or ē—
    Into é.
    Most frequently in the second part of compounds, particularly before two consonants: facio, confectus; jacio, conjectus; rapio, dereptus; dăm-, damno, condemno; fāl-, fallo, fefelli; măn-, mando, commendo; scando, ascendo; ăp-, aptus, ineptus; ăr-, ars, iners, sollers; ăn-, annus, perennis; căpio, auceps; căput, triceps; ăgo, remex; jăcio, objex. And thus in Plautus, according to the best MSS., dispenno, dispessus from pando, compectus from compăciscor, anteceptus from capio (on the other hand, in Vergil, according to the best MS., aspurgo, attractare, deiractare, kept their a unchanged).
    Sometimes ă is changed into ĕ also before one consonant (but in this case it is usually changed into ĭ; v. infra, 3. a. a.): grădior, ingrĕdior; pătior, perpĕtior; părio, repĕrio; păro, vitupĕro; ăp-, coepi (i. e. co-ŭpi); căno, tubicĕn, tibicĕn; in the reduplicated carcĕr (from carcar) farfŏrus (written also farfārus); and so, according to the better MSS., aequipĕro from păro, and defĕtigo from fătigo.
    In words taken from the Greek: talanton, talŏntum; phalara, phalŏrae; sisaron, sisŏr (but, according to the best MSS., cumŭra from kamara, not camŏra).
    Short a is changed to ē in some perfect forms: ăgo, ēgi; fūcio, féci; jăci, jĕci; frag-, frango, frēgi; căpio, cēpi, and păg-, pango, pēgi (together with pepĭgi and panxi, v. pango).
    Short a is changed to ĭ, a (most frequently in the second part of compounds)
    before one consonant: ăgo, abĭgo; făcio, confĭcio; cădo, concĭdo; sălio, assĭlio; răpio, abrĭpio; păter, Juppĭter (in Umbrian lang. unchanged, Jupater), Marspĭter; Diespĭter, Opĭter; rătus, irrĭtus; ămicus, inìmicus (but ŭ remains unchanged in adŭmo, impătiens, and in some compounds of a later period of Roman literature, as praejacio, calefacio, etc.). —
    Sometimes also before two consonants (where it is usually changed into ĕ; v. supra, 2. a. b.): tăg-, tango, contingo; păg-, pango, compingo (unchanged in some compounds, as peragro, desacro, depango, obcanto, etc.).
    ă is changed into ĭ in the reduplicated perfect forms: cădo, cecĭdi; căno, cecĭni; tăg-, tango, tetĭgi; păg-, pango, pepĭgi.
    Likewise in some roots which have ă: păg-, pignus; străg- (strangulo, strangô), stringo.
    In words taken from the Greek: mêchanê, machĭna; patanê, patĭna; bukanê, bucĭna; trutanê, trutĭna; balaneion, balĭneum; Katana, Catĭna (written also Catana); Akragas, Agrĭgentum.
    Short a is changed into short or long o.
    Into ŏ: scăbo, scobs; păr, pars, portio; dăm-, dŏmo; Fabii, Fŏvii (v. Paul. ex Fest. p. 87); marmaron, marmŏr; Mars, redupl. Marmar, Marmor (Carm. Fratr. Arv.).
    Into ō: dă-, dōnum, dōs; ăc-, ăcuo, ōcior (v. this art.).
    Short a is changed into ŭ
    In the second part of compounds, particularly before l, p, and b: calco, inculco; salsus, insulsus; salto, exsulto; capio, occŭpo; răpio, surrupio and surruptus (also written surripio and surreptus); tăberna, contŭbernium; —before other consonants: quătio, conoŭtio; as, decussis; Mars, Mamŭrius, Mamŭralia; and once also condumnari (Tab. Bant. lin. 8, immediately followed by condemnatus, v. Klenze, Philol. Abhandl. tab. I., and Mommsen, Unterital. Dial. p. 149).
    In words of Greek origin: Hekabê, Hecŭba; skutalê, scutŭla; kraipalê, crapŭla; passalos, pessŭlus; aphlaston, aplustre; thriambos, triumphus.
    ă is perhaps changed into ŭ in ulciscor, compared with alc-, ulexô (arc-, arceo).
    Long a is sometimes changed into ē or ō.
    Into é: hālo, anhélo; fās-, féstus, profēstus; nām, némpe.
    Into ō: gnā-, gnārus, ignārus, ignōro. (But in general long a remains unchanged in composition: lābor, delūbor; gnàvus, ignūnus; fàma, infūmis.)
    Contrary to the mode of changing Greek a into Latin e, i, o, u (v. supra), Latin a has sometimes taken the place of other Greek vowels in words borrowed from the Greek, as: lonchê, lancea; kulix, călix; Ganumêoês, Caiāmitus.
    The repugnance of the Latin Language to the Greek combined vowels ao has caused the translocation of them in Alumento for Daomeoôn (Paul. ex Fest. p. 18 Müll.).— Greek a is suppressed in Hercules from Hêraklês (probably in consequence of the inserted u; in late Latin we find Heracla and Heracula, cf. Ritschl, in Rhein. Mus. Neue Folge, vol. 12, p. 108).
    Latin ă was early combined with the vowels i and u, forming the diphthongs ai and au; by changing the i into e, the diphthong ai soon became ae. So we find in the oldest inscriptions: AIDE, AIDLLIS, AIQVOM, GNAIVOD, HAICE, DVELONAI, TABELAI, DATAI, etc., which soon gave place to aedem, aedilis, aequom, Gnaeo, haec, Bellonae, tabellae, datae, etc. (the Col. Rostr. has PRAESENTE, PRAEDAD, and the S. C. de Bacch. AEDEM. The triphthong aei, found in CONQVAEISIVEI (?), is very rare; Miliar. Popil. lin. 11, v. Ritschl, l. l. p. 21). In some poets the old gen. sing. of the first decl. (- ai) is preserved, but is dissyllabic, āī. So in Ennius: Albūī Longūī, terrūī frugiferāī, frondosāī, lunāī, viāī; in Vergil: aulāī, aurāī, aquāī, pictāī; in Ausonius: herāī.
    ue as well as au are changed into other vowels.
    The sound of ae, e, and oe being very similar, these vowels are often interchanged in the best MSS., So we find caerimonia and cerimonia, caepa and cēpa, saeoulum and séculum; scaena and scēna; caelum and coelum, haedus and hoedus, macstus and moestus; cena, coena, and caena, etc.
    In composition and reduplications ae becomes í: aequus, iníquus; quaero, inquíro; laedo, illído; taedet, pertisum (noticed by Cic.); aestumo, exístumo; cuedo, cecídi, concído, homicida.
    ae is also changed into í in a Latinized word of Greek origin: Achaios (AchaiWos), Achíous.
    The diphthong au is often changed to ó and ú (the latter particularly in compounds): caudex, códex; Claudius, Clodius; lautus, lotus; plaustrum, plōstrum; plaudo, plōdo, explōdo; paululum, pōlulum; faux, suffōco; si audes (acc. to Cic. or acc. to others, si audies), sódes, etc.; claudo, inclūdo; causa, accūso. Hence in some words a regular gradation of au, o, u is found: claudo, clōdicare, clúdo; raudus, ródus, rúdus; caupo, cópa, cūpa; naugae, nōgae (both forms in the MSS. of Plautus), nūgae; fraustra, frode, frude (in MSS. of Vergil); cf. Ritschl, in Wintercatalog 1854-55, and O. Ribbeck, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. vol. 77, p. 181 sq.—The change of au into and ō appears only in audio, (oboedio) obēdio.
    Au sometimes takes the place of av-: faveo, fautum, favitor, fautor; navis, navita, nauta; avis, auceps, auspex. So Latin aut corresponds to Sanscr. avo. (whence - , Lat. - ve), Osc. avti, Umbr. ute, ote; and so the Lat. preposition ab, through av, becomes au in the words aufero and aufugio (prop. av-fero, av-fugio, for ab-fero, ab-fugio). Vid. the art. ab init.
    In primitive roots, which have their kindred forms in the sister-languages of the Latin, the original a, still found in the Sanscrit, is in Latin either preserved or more frequently changed into other vowels.
    Original a preserved: Sanscr. mātri, Lat. màter; S. bhrātri, L. fràter; S. nāsā, L. nàsus and nàris; S. ap, L. aqua; S. apa, L. ab; S. nāma, L. năm; S. ćatur, [p. 2] L. quattuor (in Greek changed: thettares); S. capūla, L. căput (in Greek changed: kephalê, etc.).
    Original a is changed into other Latin vowels—
    Into e: S. ad, L. ed (ĕdo); S. as, L. es (esse); S. pat, L. pet (peto); S. pād, L. pĕd (pès); S. dant, L. dent (dens); S. ǵan, L. gen (gigno); S. , L. mè-tior; S. saptan, L. septem; S. daśan, L. decem; S. śata, L. centum; S. aham, L. ŏgo; S. pāra, L. per; S. paśu, L. pŏcus; S. asva, L. ŏquus, etc.
    Into i: S. an-, a- (neg. part.), L. in-: S. ana (prep.), L. in; S. antar, L. inter; S. sama, L. similis; S. agni, L. ignis; S. abhra, L. imber; S. panéa, L. quinque, etc.
    Into o: S. avi, L. ŏvi (ovis); S. vać, L. vōc (voco); S. pra, L. pro; S. , L. po (pŏtum); S. nāma, L. nōmen; S. api, L. ŏb; S. navan, L. nŏvem; S. nava, L. nŏvus, etc.
    Into u: S. marmara, L. murmur.
    Into ai, ae: S. prati, L. (prai) prae; S. śaśpa, L. caespes.
    Into different vowels in the different derivatives: S. , L. mê-tior, mŏdus; S. praó, L. prŏcor, prŏcus; S. vah, L. vĕho, via.
    Sometimes the Latin has preserved the original a, while even the Sanscrit has changed it: Lat. pa-, pater, Sanscr. pd, pitri.
    As an abbreviation A. usually denotes the praenomen Aulus; A. A. = Auli duo, Inscr. Orell. 1530 (but A. A. = Aquae Aponi, the modern Abano, ib. 1643 sq.; 2620; 3011). The three directors of the mint were designated by III. VIRI A. A. A. F. F. (i. e. auro, argento, aeri flando, feriundo), ib. 569; 2242; 2379; 3134 al.;

    so also A. A. A.,

    ib. 3441 (cf. Cic. Fam. 7, 13 fin., and v. the art. Triumviri); A. D. A. agris dandis adsignandis, and A. I. A. agris judicandis adsignandis; A. O. amico optimo; A. P. a populo or aediliciae potestatis; A. P. R. aerario populi Romani. —Upon the voting tablets in judicial trials A. denoted absoluo; hence A. is called littera salutaris, Cic. Mil. 6, 15; v. littera. In the Roman Comitia A. (= antiquo) denoted the rejection of the point in question; v. antiquo. In Cicero's Tusculan Disputations the A. designated one of the disputants = adulescens or auditor, opp. to M. for magister or Marcus (Cicero); but it is to be remarked that the letters A and M do not occur in the best MSS. of this treatise; cf. edd. ad Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 9.—In dates A. D. = ante diem; v. ante; A. U. C. = anno urbis conditae; A. P. R. C. anno post Romam conditam.
    a, prep.=ab, v. ab.
    ā, interj.=ah, v. ah.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > A

  • 16 a

    A, a, indecl. n. (sometimes joined with littera), the first letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding to the a, a of the other Indo-. European languages:

    A primum est: hinc incipiam, et quae nomina ab hoc sunt, Lucil. ap. Terent. Scaur. p. 2255 P.: sus rostro si humi A litteram impresserit,

    Cic. Div. 1, 13, 23:

    ne in A quidem atque S litteras exire temere masculina Graeca nomina recto casu patiebantur,

    Quint. 1, 5, 61.
    The sound of the A is short or long in every part of the word; as, ăb, păter, ită; ā, māter, frustrā. During a short period (between about 620 and 670 A. U. C. = from 134 to 84 B.C.) long a was written aa, probably first by the poet L. Attius, in the manner of the Oscan language; so we find in Latin inscriptions: AA. CETEREIS (i.e.a ceteris), CALAASI, FAATO, HAACE, MAARCIVM, PAAPVS, PAASTORES, VAARVS; and in Greek writing, MAAPKOPs PsIOS MAAPKEAAOS, KOINTON MAAPKION (like Osc. aasas = Lat. āra, Osc. Paapi = Lat. Pāpius, Osc. Paakul = Lat. Pāculus, Pācullus, Pācuvius, etc.), v. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 28 sq., and cf. Mommsen, Unterital. Dialekte, p. 210 sq. (The Umbrian language has gone a step farther, and written long a by aha, as Aharna, Naharcom, trahaf, etc.; cf. Aufrecht and Kirchhoff, Umbrische Sprachdenkm. p. 76 sq.) Vid. also the letters E and U.
    In etymological and grammatical formation of words, short a very often (sometimes also long a) is changed into other vowels.
    Short a is changed,
    , into long a
    In consequence of the suppression of the following consonants at the end or in the middle of the word: ŭb, ā; vădis, vūs; ăg-, ăg-men, exāmen; tăg-, contūmino; căd-, cāsus. Hence also in the abl. sing. of the first decl., and in the particles derived from it. in consequence of the suppression of the original ablat. end. - d: PRAEDAD (Col. Rostr.), praedā; SENTENTIAD (S. C. de Bacch.), sententiā; EXTBAD (ib.), extrā; SVPRAD (ib.), suprā. —Hence,
    In perfect forms: scăb-o, scābi; căveo, cūvi; făv-eo, fāvi; păv-eo, pāvi (for scăbui, căvui, făvui, păvui).
    In other forms: ăgo, ambūges; păc-, păc-iscor, pâcis (pâx); săg-ax, sūgus, sāga; măc-er, mâcero; făg- (phagein), fūgus. (Contrary to analogy, ă remains short in dănunt, from dă-in-unt, V. Ritschl, l.l.p. 17.)
    Short a is changed into é or ē—
    Into é.
    Most frequently in the second part of compounds, particularly before two consonants: facio, confectus; jacio, conjectus; rapio, dereptus; dăm-, damno, condemno; fāl-, fallo, fefelli; măn-, mando, commendo; scando, ascendo; ăp-, aptus, ineptus; ăr-, ars, iners, sollers; ăn-, annus, perennis; căpio, auceps; căput, triceps; ăgo, remex; jăcio, objex. And thus in Plautus, according to the best MSS., dispenno, dispessus from pando, compectus from compăciscor, anteceptus from capio (on the other hand, in Vergil, according to the best MS., aspurgo, attractare, deiractare, kept their a unchanged).
    Sometimes ă is changed into ĕ also before one consonant (but in this case it is usually changed into ĭ; v. infra, 3. a. a.): grădior, ingrĕdior; pătior, perpĕtior; părio, repĕrio; păro, vitupĕro; ăp-, coepi (i. e. co-ŭpi); căno, tubicĕn, tibicĕn; in the reduplicated carcĕr (from carcar) farfŏrus (written also farfārus); and so, according to the better MSS., aequipĕro from păro, and defĕtigo from fătigo.
    In words taken from the Greek: talanton, talŏntum; phalara, phalŏrae; sisaron, sisŏr (but, according to the best MSS., cumŭra from kamara, not camŏra).
    Short a is changed to ē in some perfect forms: ăgo, ēgi; fūcio, féci; jăci, jĕci; frag-, frango, frēgi; căpio, cēpi, and păg-, pango, pēgi (together with pepĭgi and panxi, v. pango).
    Short a is changed to ĭ, a (most frequently in the second part of compounds)
    before one consonant: ăgo, abĭgo; făcio, confĭcio; cădo, concĭdo; sălio, assĭlio; răpio, abrĭpio; păter, Juppĭter (in Umbrian lang. unchanged, Jupater), Marspĭter; Diespĭter, Opĭter; rătus, irrĭtus; ămicus, inìmicus (but ŭ remains unchanged in adŭmo, impătiens, and in some compounds of a later period of Roman literature, as praejacio, calefacio, etc.). —
    Sometimes also before two consonants (where it is usually changed into ĕ; v. supra, 2. a. b.): tăg-, tango, contingo; păg-, pango, compingo (unchanged in some compounds, as peragro, desacro, depango, obcanto, etc.).
    ă is changed into ĭ in the reduplicated perfect forms: cădo, cecĭdi; căno, cecĭni; tăg-, tango, tetĭgi; păg-, pango, pepĭgi.
    Likewise in some roots which have ă: păg-, pignus; străg- (strangulo, strangô), stringo.
    In words taken from the Greek: mêchanê, machĭna; patanê, patĭna; bukanê, bucĭna; trutanê, trutĭna; balaneion, balĭneum; Katana, Catĭna (written also Catana); Akragas, Agrĭgentum.
    Short a is changed into short or long o.
    Into ŏ: scăbo, scobs; păr, pars, portio; dăm-, dŏmo; Fabii, Fŏvii (v. Paul. ex Fest. p. 87); marmaron, marmŏr; Mars, redupl. Marmar, Marmor (Carm. Fratr. Arv.).
    Into ō: dă-, dōnum, dōs; ăc-, ăcuo, ōcior (v. this art.).
    Short a is changed into ŭ
    In the second part of compounds, particularly before l, p, and b: calco, inculco; salsus, insulsus; salto, exsulto; capio, occŭpo; răpio, surrupio and surruptus (also written surripio and surreptus); tăberna, contŭbernium; —before other consonants: quătio, conoŭtio; as, decussis; Mars, Mamŭrius, Mamŭralia; and once also condumnari (Tab. Bant. lin. 8, immediately followed by condemnatus, v. Klenze, Philol. Abhandl. tab. I., and Mommsen, Unterital. Dial. p. 149).
    In words of Greek origin: Hekabê, Hecŭba; skutalê, scutŭla; kraipalê, crapŭla; passalos, pessŭlus; aphlaston, aplustre; thriambos, triumphus.
    ă is perhaps changed into ŭ in ulciscor, compared with alc-, ulexô (arc-, arceo).
    Long a is sometimes changed into ē or ō.
    Into é: hālo, anhélo; fās-, féstus, profēstus; nām, némpe.
    Into ō: gnā-, gnārus, ignārus, ignōro. (But in general long a remains unchanged in composition: lābor, delūbor; gnàvus, ignūnus; fàma, infūmis.)
    Contrary to the mode of changing Greek a into Latin e, i, o, u (v. supra), Latin a has sometimes taken the place of other Greek vowels in words borrowed from the Greek, as: lonchê, lancea; kulix, călix; Ganumêoês, Caiāmitus.
    The repugnance of the Latin Language to the Greek combined vowels ao has caused the translocation of them in Alumento for Daomeoôn (Paul. ex Fest. p. 18 Müll.).— Greek a is suppressed in Hercules from Hêraklês (probably in consequence of the inserted u; in late Latin we find Heracla and Heracula, cf. Ritschl, in Rhein. Mus. Neue Folge, vol. 12, p. 108).
    Latin ă was early combined with the vowels i and u, forming the diphthongs ai and au; by changing the i into e, the diphthong ai soon became ae. So we find in the oldest inscriptions: AIDE, AIDLLIS, AIQVOM, GNAIVOD, HAICE, DVELONAI, TABELAI, DATAI, etc., which soon gave place to aedem, aedilis, aequom, Gnaeo, haec, Bellonae, tabellae, datae, etc. (the Col. Rostr. has PRAESENTE, PRAEDAD, and the S. C. de Bacch. AEDEM. The triphthong aei, found in CONQVAEISIVEI (?), is very rare; Miliar. Popil. lin. 11, v. Ritschl, l. l. p. 21). In some poets the old gen. sing. of the first decl. (- ai) is preserved, but is dissyllabic, āī. So in Ennius: Albūī Longūī, terrūī frugiferāī, frondosāī, lunāī, viāī; in Vergil: aulāī, aurāī, aquāī, pictāī; in Ausonius: herāī.
    ue as well as au are changed into other vowels.
    The sound of ae, e, and oe being very similar, these vowels are often interchanged in the best MSS., So we find caerimonia and cerimonia, caepa and cēpa, saeoulum and séculum; scaena and scēna; caelum and coelum, haedus and hoedus, macstus and moestus; cena, coena, and caena, etc.
    In composition and reduplications ae becomes í: aequus, iníquus; quaero, inquíro; laedo, illído; taedet, pertisum (noticed by Cic.); aestumo, exístumo; cuedo, cecídi, concído, homicida.
    ae is also changed into í in a Latinized word of Greek origin: Achaios (AchaiWos), Achíous.
    The diphthong au is often changed to ó and ú (the latter particularly in compounds): caudex, códex; Claudius, Clodius; lautus, lotus; plaustrum, plōstrum; plaudo, plōdo, explōdo; paululum, pōlulum; faux, suffōco; si audes (acc. to Cic. or acc. to others, si audies), sódes, etc.; claudo, inclūdo; causa, accūso. Hence in some words a regular gradation of au, o, u is found: claudo, clōdicare, clúdo; raudus, ródus, rúdus; caupo, cópa, cūpa; naugae, nōgae (both forms in the MSS. of Plautus), nūgae; fraustra, frode, frude (in MSS. of Vergil); cf. Ritschl, in Wintercatalog 1854-55, and O. Ribbeck, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. vol. 77, p. 181 sq.—The change of au into and ō appears only in audio, (oboedio) obēdio.
    Au sometimes takes the place of av-: faveo, fautum, favitor, fautor; navis, navita, nauta; avis, auceps, auspex. So Latin aut corresponds to Sanscr. avo. (whence - , Lat. - ve), Osc. avti, Umbr. ute, ote; and so the Lat. preposition ab, through av, becomes au in the words aufero and aufugio (prop. av-fero, av-fugio, for ab-fero, ab-fugio). Vid. the art. ab init.
    In primitive roots, which have their kindred forms in the sister-languages of the Latin, the original a, still found in the Sanscrit, is in Latin either preserved or more frequently changed into other vowels.
    Original a preserved: Sanscr. mātri, Lat. màter; S. bhrātri, L. fràter; S. nāsā, L. nàsus and nàris; S. ap, L. aqua; S. apa, L. ab; S. nāma, L. năm; S. ćatur, [p. 2] L. quattuor (in Greek changed: thettares); S. capūla, L. căput (in Greek changed: kephalê, etc.).
    Original a is changed into other Latin vowels—
    Into e: S. ad, L. ed (ĕdo); S. as, L. es (esse); S. pat, L. pet (peto); S. pād, L. pĕd (pès); S. dant, L. dent (dens); S. ǵan, L. gen (gigno); S. , L. mè-tior; S. saptan, L. septem; S. daśan, L. decem; S. śata, L. centum; S. aham, L. ŏgo; S. pāra, L. per; S. paśu, L. pŏcus; S. asva, L. ŏquus, etc.
    Into i: S. an-, a- (neg. part.), L. in-: S. ana (prep.), L. in; S. antar, L. inter; S. sama, L. similis; S. agni, L. ignis; S. abhra, L. imber; S. panéa, L. quinque, etc.
    Into o: S. avi, L. ŏvi (ovis); S. vać, L. vōc (voco); S. pra, L. pro; S. , L. po (pŏtum); S. nāma, L. nōmen; S. api, L. ŏb; S. navan, L. nŏvem; S. nava, L. nŏvus, etc.
    Into u: S. marmara, L. murmur.
    Into ai, ae: S. prati, L. (prai) prae; S. śaśpa, L. caespes.
    Into different vowels in the different derivatives: S. , L. mê-tior, mŏdus; S. praó, L. prŏcor, prŏcus; S. vah, L. vĕho, via.
    Sometimes the Latin has preserved the original a, while even the Sanscrit has changed it: Lat. pa-, pater, Sanscr. pd, pitri.
    As an abbreviation A. usually denotes the praenomen Aulus; A. A. = Auli duo, Inscr. Orell. 1530 (but A. A. = Aquae Aponi, the modern Abano, ib. 1643 sq.; 2620; 3011). The three directors of the mint were designated by III. VIRI A. A. A. F. F. (i. e. auro, argento, aeri flando, feriundo), ib. 569; 2242; 2379; 3134 al.;

    so also A. A. A.,

    ib. 3441 (cf. Cic. Fam. 7, 13 fin., and v. the art. Triumviri); A. D. A. agris dandis adsignandis, and A. I. A. agris judicandis adsignandis; A. O. amico optimo; A. P. a populo or aediliciae potestatis; A. P. R. aerario populi Romani. —Upon the voting tablets in judicial trials A. denoted absoluo; hence A. is called littera salutaris, Cic. Mil. 6, 15; v. littera. In the Roman Comitia A. (= antiquo) denoted the rejection of the point in question; v. antiquo. In Cicero's Tusculan Disputations the A. designated one of the disputants = adulescens or auditor, opp. to M. for magister or Marcus (Cicero); but it is to be remarked that the letters A and M do not occur in the best MSS. of this treatise; cf. edd. ad Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 9.—In dates A. D. = ante diem; v. ante; A. U. C. = anno urbis conditae; A. P. R. C. anno post Romam conditam.
    a, prep.=ab, v. ab.
    ā, interj.=ah, v. ah.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > a

  • 17 abbas

    abbās, ātis, m. [id.], the head of an ecclesiastical community, an abbot (eccl. Lat.), Sid. 16, 114; Inscr. Mommsen, 3485 (A. D. 468).—Hence, abbātissa, ae, f., an abbess, Inscr. Mommsen, 3896 (A. D. 570); and abbātĭa, ae, f., an abbey (eccl. Lat.), Hler.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > abbas

  • 18 abbatia

    abbās, ātis, m. [id.], the head of an ecclesiastical community, an abbot (eccl. Lat.), Sid. 16, 114; Inscr. Mommsen, 3485 (A. D. 468).—Hence, abbātissa, ae, f., an abbess, Inscr. Mommsen, 3896 (A. D. 570); and abbātĭa, ae, f., an abbey (eccl. Lat.), Hler.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > abbatia

  • 19 abbatissa

    abbās, ātis, m. [id.], the head of an ecclesiastical community, an abbot (eccl. Lat.), Sid. 16, 114; Inscr. Mommsen, 3485 (A. D. 468).—Hence, abbātissa, ae, f., an abbess, Inscr. Mommsen, 3896 (A. D. 570); and abbātĭa, ae, f., an abbey (eccl. Lat.), Hler.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > abbatissa

  • 20 accubitaris

    accubitāris, e (accubitum), zum Speisesofa gehörig, tapes, Edict. Diocl. 16, 6. p. 83, 1 ed. Mommsen.

    lateinisch-deutsches > accubitaris

См. также в других словарях:

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  • MOMMSEN (T.) — MOMMSEN THEODOR (1817 1903) Historien allemand de l’Antiquité, Theodor Mommsen est originaire de l’État du Schleswig Holstein, où son père était pasteur. Il reçut chez les siens une excellente éducation littéraire. Sujets danois, les Mommsen… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mommsen — Family name Meaning son of Mommo, Momme Region of origin Northern Germany Language(s) of origin Low German Related names 1. Momber, Momper, Mommer 2. Mombert, Mompert, Mommert, Mommertz; Munibert …   Wikipedia

  • MOMMSEN, THEODOR° — (1817–1903), German classical scholar and historian; a vigorous opponent of antisemitism. A staunch liberal member of the Prussian and German parliaments and a luminary of Berlin University, Mommsen was active on behalf of Russian Jewry and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Mommsen — 1) Theodor, geb. 30. Nov. 1817 zu Garding in Schleswig, studirte seit 1834 in Kiel Jurisprudenz u. Philologie, machte Reisen 1844–47 nach Frankreich u. Italien, um römische Inschriften zu sammeln, redigirte 1848 eine Zeit lang ein patriotisches… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Mommsen — Mommsen, 1) Theodor, Altertumsforscher und Geschichtschreiber, geb. 30. Nov. 1817 zu Garding in Schleswig, gest. 1. Nov. 1903 in Charlottenburg, studierte in Kiel Philologie und die Rechte, bereiste 1844–47 mit Unterstützung der Berliner Akademie …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mommsen — Mommsen, Theod., Altertumsforscher und Geschichtschreiber, geb. 30. Nov. 1817 zu Garding (Schleswig), 1848 Prof. der Rechte in Leipzig, 1850 abgesetzt, 1852 Prof. in Zürich, 1854 in Breslau, seit 1858 zu Berlin, 1874 95 Sekretär der Akademie das …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mommsen — Mommsen, Name von einigen schleswig holsteinischen Gelehrten. – M., Theodor, verdienter Epigraph und Rechtshistoriker, geb. 1817 zu Garding in Schleswig, 1848 Professor der Rechte in Leipzig, 1850 abgesetzt wegen Theilnahme an der Revolution.… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Mommsen — Mommsen, Theodor …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Mommsen — (izg. mȍmzen), Theodor (1817 1903) DEFINICIJA njemački povjesničar i političar; za monumentalna djela Povijest Rima (pet tomova), Rimsko državno pravo (tri toma) i Rimsko kazneno pravo dobio Nobelovu nagradu za književnost 1902; kao član pruskog… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Mommsen — [mäm′zən, mäm′sən] Theodor [tā′ə dôr΄] 1817 1903; Ger. historian …   English World dictionary

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